2DSiggy - Banned for SelfAntag, Welder bombing sec round start for no other reason than "peer pressure forom one person i am a weak person" is not a sufficient reason. Take the time to think about your choices

Username: 2DSiggy

Ban reason: Banned for SelfAntag, Welder bombing sec round start for no other reason than "peer pressure forom one person i am a weak person" is not a sufficient reason. Take the time to think about your choices
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

In a round on Vulture (I do not remember the exact match ID), I hit join and forgot to set the character I was playing to “wait in lobby if role not available.” (I don’t like to play passenger unless I want to). I explained this in LOOC as a moth person (I forget their name) asked who wanted to welderbomb sec I believe. I said I’d do it because I wanted to get killed then do some ghost role play. This action immediately after I realized “this was fucking stupid” but it was too late cause i was being taken into med then cuffed then brought to sec. All of this is genuinely deserved. I didn’t fight sec because I understood what I did was wrong. I should not have done it and I try to be helpful or at least not a nuisance when I am playing passenger. I mean it when I say this was a personal failing of myself. If I wanted to just go into ghost roles I should’ve gone to cryo, /ghost or /suicide. Welderbombing gets on my nerves when I see some tider do it fast but I rarely saw it be actioned so I had assumed it was ok to do. The only legitimate explanation I have is that I had a lapse in my judgement and behavior. I understand my first response to the admin message was very inappropriate and I need to treat the admins with more respect. The ban was very much reasonable and I would have done the same. Behavior like mine is unacceptable and should be treated such. I find a permanent ban for my first game ban to be particularly harsh though a duration ban was warranted. I wish to apologize for my inappropriate response to the admin who messaged me (I forgot their name) and to have another chance to be a better example for other players as to how to behave.

Reason the ban should be removed

I mean it when I say this was a personal failing of myself. If I wanted to just go into ghost roles I should’ve gone to cryo, /ghost or /suicide. Welderbombing gets on my nerves when I see some tider do it fast but I rarely saw it be actioned so I had assumed it was ok to do. The only legitimate explanation I have is that I had a lapse in my judgement and behavior. I understand my first response to the admin message was very inappropriate and I need to treat the admins with more respect. The ban was very much reasonable and I would have done the same. Behavior like mine is unacceptable and should be treated such. I find a permanent ban for my first game ban to be particularly harsh though a duration ban was warranted. I wish to apologize for my inappropriate response to the admin who messaged me (I forgot their name) and to have another chance to be a better example for other players as to how to behave. I wish to help other new players that are new to the game learn and become better in game and give them positive memorable experiences as opposed to what I did which is a poor example to everyone who witnessed it and had to deal with my actions. Please contact me when possible if secondary communication is necessary.

Alternate Accounts

It’s not a permanent ban, it’s an appeal ban. That’s why you’re here.

After considering the action that caused your ban, your previous warnings, and their relative impact on the rounds, I’m opting to reduce your ban to three days. You have enough playtime that you should know better than this; so be more thoughtful about your actions. Further self-antag will land you with another ban rather than a warning.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

Understood thank you.

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