Ban reason: participating in and instigating in a riot
Length of ban: 4,320 mins, this will expire at Tuesday, february 27, 2024 5:44 PM UTC
Events leading to the ban: So, I was casually getting plasma from Atmos into a oxy tank and light myself on fire in a closed area because i was bored and atmos denied giving me it (I have suicided for jokes many times before) and I hear that a riot is happening at security. I go to check it out and just say a few things like when sec used lethal bombs on us and “release them” as a joke but didn’t to much more. (Didn’t even at hurt anyone and a security cadet was calling us “dog shit” and i didn’t like it). Then centcom started to bomb the area and I just booked it. Then I told an engi to block that area off because didn’t want to be spaced and didn’t want people to walk in that area and get exploded for not even their fault (if you think i wouldn’t do it, i have in the past recommended in the past to “ahelp” when they got killed by self antags and risked dying when fighting against a raider because the raider was gibbing a innocent person who arrived [i ahelped it before doing it]. After that sec wanted me for arrest and I denied it and just slipped them. when they caught me warden decided to send me to Perma and I was fine with that. After that a admin ahelped me and blamed me for starting the riot and saying that i was leading it (might have mistaken me for another passanger who screamed on the radio for like 20 mins “i am the riot leader” or something like that on the radio). i try to tell them but they The admins uses excuses that were the “wall it off” and the “oxy tank full of plasma”. i explain both weren’t meant or wouldn’t have armed anyone and he/she told me “i don’t belive it” and banned me. the admin didn’t fact check the claims he was doing and proceeded to continue with the ban
Reason the ban should be removed: i think my ban was inappropriate because i was playing a very small part of riot and didn’t conflict enough for sec to arrest me in the riot but i am not sure why i was AOS after the riot (sec arrested other people for talking bad about sec). also the admin trusted his gut feeling more rather than checking is the claims true (i got no idea do admins usually check the claims they are making or trust their gut feeling).
i forgot to mention the claims about the “oxy tank” and the “wall it off” came from the chat logs (and might ingame view but from the ahelp i was told the chat logs) for the admin
After reading the appeal, watching the replay, and checking the ss14.admin. We’ve come to the conclusion that this ban is valid and will run the rest of its duration. You participated verbally in the riot at sec and the ban is within our banning policy guidelines, [Self-antag: Cults/riots/revolutions] which is a 12hr to 3day game ban. We suggest you re-read the rules before joining the servers.
To enable speedy review of all appeals, appeals that meet certain requirements may bypass the standard, often lengthy, review process. Our banning policy requires appeals which are denied using the speedy review process have this notice placed on them. Any of the following criteria typically make an appeal eligible for the speedy review process:
the ban length is less than or equal to 14 days,
the appeal is older than 7 days, or
the result of the appeal is obvious.
In some cases, the banning admin may process the appeal. The banning admin cannot process the appeal if:
the facts that led to the ban are disputed,
the appeal makes a claim that the admin who placed it was biased, or
the ban was not within the ban guidelines.
You may contact a head game admin if you believe this appeal was handled improperly, but should be aware that this will typically only result in a review of the processing of the appeal itself, with the appeal being re-opened if an issue is found. An appeal is considered to have been processed improperly if the criteria to use the speedy review process was not met, or if the facts which the processing admin relied on to process the appeal were incorrect. You must concisely describe why you believe the appeal was handled improperly. If no issue is found with the processing of the appeal, the appeal itself will not be re-reviewed. If, in bad faith, you claim that an appeal was handled improperly, the reviewing head admin may decide to extend the time you must wait before you appeal and/or extend your ban duration. You can find a full list of staff, including head game admins at the staff directory.