[AccountNameNOTTaken] - [banned from engineer job list]


= For role/job bans =

Role(s): [engineering jobs]

banned from Lizard
Length of ban: [10/10/22 for 2 weeks ( must summit an appeal )]
Events leading to the ban: [triggering singularity freedom, messing up the atmo with all gasses, blowing up the AME my setting it to high]
Reason the ban should be removed: [to be honest, my ban was fair. I didn’t know what I was doing. its been almost a year since the ban and I think I just have gotten better at understanding what does what. I’ve been playing a lot of the ss13 and have learned not to be a noob who runs around not knowing what they are doing. also it would be nice to actually enter engineering sector without the threat of having a job permaban looming over me]

You’ve only got like 5 days of connections since the role ban was applied. You should demonstrate that you’re able to play on Wizard’s Den servers without issues before appealing your role ban.

Appeal this roleban once you have a week or two of decent playtime on Wizard’s Den to show for it.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Ban Appeals to Game Servers