SS14 account: ajfaas
Character name: random name
Type of Ban: gameban
Date of Ban and Duration: about 2 months ago, permanently
Reason for Ban: metacomming
Server you were playing on when banned: completely forgot
Your side of the story: ill paste the conversation i had with the admin stealth16 about the ban. didnt get around to an appeal before now:
Kaas — 25/03/2022
saw you decided not to unban me and ak, and to try again in a month or so.
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
Kaas — 25/03/2022
id like to come clean about one thing that i lied about. i do actually know him
and we do play together in a friendly manner oftentimes
id like to come clean about one thing that i lied about. i do actually know him
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
We know. That’s why we denied the appeal.
Kaas — 25/03/2022
although if hes security and im a clown or whatever he does get me
but i dont communicate with him outside of the game
atleast i have him in discord and we type stuff, but not while we game perse
i dont know what you can see in your logs, but youll find that i dont talk all that much to anyone
im not exactly sure what falls undermetacomming. but seeing as many people on this game play together, although not working together perse, im not its fair to punish people for that
we also didnt plan that he killed me and made me holo. i was just walking around with him a bit, and he attacked me
someone said i just stood there and let it happen but thats false
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
The situation that the two of you failed to address was how your friend did not communicate with you ingame while you were holo, then communicated with the other holo when you reghosted. That tells me that he knew you were his holo, and knew when you were not. He should not have that information at all.
Kaas — 25/03/2022
he told me he got a message in chat that he changed holo. but i cant be sure. i also went to ooc immediately because i was confused why i was booted out of holo
it was actually my first time being a holo so i thought there was a timer or something
he told me he got a message in chat that he changed holo. but i cant be sure. i also went to ooc immediately because i was confused why i was booted out of holo
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
And this right here is the problem. He shouldn’t be telling you anything about the round during the round.
Kaas — 25/03/2022
he didnt tell me in the round itself
just after the fact, i mightve also gathered it from what he told you guys
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
You have a precedent for lying to us. I think you still are lying to me. Just re-appeal in a month. Come clean on the forums and don’t do it again.
Kaas — 25/03/2022
i remember reading somewhere that he said he got a message that his holo was replaced
i once read somewhere that ban for metacomming is like a month anyhow. i was fully prepared to be banned for a month anyway because of how you guys deal with stuff
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
metacomming has been an appeal-only ban for the entire time I have been involved with SS14.
Kaas — 25/03/2022
i just dont like that you guys make these weird accusations with weird proof when this literally happened as i just told you
i think what i just told you falls under metacomming anyway. how is working together without talking better than chatting with voice
but you guys also claimed lies. so it feels like you guys are out to just get people or something. the way things are handled oftentimes feel very harsh and out of place
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
Let me make sure I’m understanding correctly.
In-round, you followed your friend into maints, he killed you, and then you became his holo?
And he assumed you were his holo because he had just killed you?
Kaas — 25/03/2022
ye i guess we metacommed then
i talked to him like whyd you kill me
and he said chill i got a holo
i talked to him like whyd you kill me
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
Then yeah, this was metacomming.
You shouldn’t be discussing round events in-round.
Kaas — 25/03/2022
ye i suppose so
wasnt really preemitive but i get your point ye
Stealth16 — 25/03/2022
I’ll talk with the team about it. Now that you understand what you did wrong I’ll see about getting your ban lowered.