Allow players to select multiple characters

Further thinking on antags:

  • People would like to consider whether they are (or may become) an antag when selecting their character
  • If all antags were rolled at round start, people could have full knowledge when picking characters, but metagaming would be a concern
  • An antag settings override in the character selection dialog would give people the necessary control, but it would be complicated, and also increase the amount of decisions people are asked to make at round start
  • Antag settings overrides in character profiles would be better for minimizing round start decisions but at least as bad for complexity
  • However! Just displaying a reminder of the player’s antag settings would be fairly simple, and would enable people to consider their settings when choosing their character, without requiring any overrides or early rolling.

Extremely rough dialog text design:

Job: Cargo Technician
Potential antagonist roles: Syndicate agent, Thief

Probably the player’s job and protagonist settings should also be summarized on the lobby screen in the space that currently shows the selected character.

I really want this for both antag and job rolls.
Being able to know which role you got before entering would simply feel way smoother.

I actually stopped rolling antage on purpose because it ruins any plans for that round, and you can’t really plan for what to do as antag when the chances are so low per round.

I have now actually looked up what antagonist roles can be assigned mid-round. Now that I see why they’re assigned then, I think moving them to round start would be suboptimal, and I’m going to assume the open issue just meant that antag roles that are assigned at round start should be assigned before character selection.

Overrides for the relevant antag settings, which I suggested above, might work for these, but I now have realized it’d be simpler to just let the player change those settings in the character selection dialog. They’d already be set to the player’s last used settings, so hopefully players wouldn’t need to actually change them most rounds. And unlike overrides or per-character settings it wouldn’t require ever considering multiple sets of settings.