SS14 account username: argie
Ban reason: coup against captain as HoS.
Date of ban: April 28
Length of ban: Need to appeal
Events leading to the ban: I and the warden of the time tried to coup the captain after a pretext that he tried to get the RD demoted. We cuffed him and tried to bring the cap to the bridge so me(the hos ) and the other heads decide on what to do with him. before that can happen i got killed by the cap after a mime broke his cuffs. That is where my round ended.
Reason the ban should be removed: A few weeks have past without incident and i have a bit of playtime in the server.(there was a small ones, where i killed a syndie as a lawer due to him walking around with a syndie gun on his back in the middle of the hall while i knew my lawer friend was a syndie target and i got a told by an admin that i shouldn’t hunt syndies if i am not sec)
note: If the time playing without incident is still not enough i would request for the ban to be changed to command only since sec is the department i mostly play other than chemist and medic. Since the inccident in question was as a command role and it wasn’t a random killing nor a random arrest , and also to note the fact i play usualy sec quite well i do think that with me around the rounds will be better since i do the job well and without breaking rules.