Azdak264 - Banned for [Sexual Content] for 36 hours: Said "lets ERP" while cuffed

Username: azdak264

Ban reason: Banned for [Sexual Content] for 36 hours: Said "lets ERP" while cuffed.
Length of ban: 36 hours
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

Ok I talked to an admin before and he was talkable the one right after is way too much on his powertrip I NEVER did ERP and the interaction with the player who freed me from the cuff lasted a grand 5 seconds while as a joke I said let’s ERP but I left immediatly when he uncuffed me and continued playing my clown game. I understand rules and moderation but this admin is way too rigid… I NEVER ERP’d !

Reason the ban should be removed

Didn’t do what I’m accused of

Alternate Accounts

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This ban has since completed, closing off.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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