Bagguette - made a mature joke

Discord Username: greasygobber
Ban reason: made a mature joke
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

Someone asked what a vaporeon is. I replied “breedable”. haha good meme.

Admins didn’t think so. Instant perma ban.

Reason the ban should be removed

As that was the only time I’ve been reprimanded on that discord, I’d say a fair punishment would be a mute for x amount of hours or days. I’ve been a good member for the most part, played for around 1700 hours and never gotten a roleban or anything like that.

I solemnly swear to be a good furry in the future.

Makes sense, I was out of line, it won’t happen again, but a permanent ban seems a little excessive.

Alternate Accounts


Agreed with the last point. Since you seem to understand the reason you were banned, I see no reason to keep it instated in this case.

Appeal accepted, please do not make sexual references in the future and you should be good.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending