SS14 account: JephPezos
Character name: Chef Jeph, Tyronne Biggums
Type of Ban: game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: now
Reason for Ban: metacomms with Jacksan
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: Having fun with friend I met in game (Jacksan) killed clown (Killed him for stealing my id) got sent to perma birg. It was boring af, and so him being my friend, I went afk and dm him on discord (I got his discord through SS14 discord) from my phone that he could just kill me since I was starving (in game) and went and got food (IRL).
Admin saw him kill me, and I told him that I dm him on discord and he perma banned
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was just fun with friends (even the clown said it was funny). It just feels like the admin Chief_Engineer was looking for a reason to ban so he did.
I really enjoy the game and I am to Space Station, it’s fun and I get caught up and I got lassiez-faire with the rules. That’s my bad and I should be more responsible. I have made many friends in this community and would hate to lose it all over a simple discord dm over the phone D:
Anything else we should know: Earlier, I got in trouble by the same admin (Chief_Engineer) for a situation in cargo which effectively was a revolution, so I was already on thin ice.
Cargo situation: Cargo sold vending machines -> Sec got upset and said we were stealing form the ship and wanted arrest -> I (as QM) did not let sec arrest and told all cargo to go on shuttle and parked slightly away from station -> Shuttle runs out of power and gets hit by 2 meteors -> Crago dead -> Station goes to shit for multiple reasons (including singulose)