Ban appeal

SS14 account username: Saiiryn
Ban reason: Execution without permission
Date of ban: 5/31/2023
Length of ban: forever unless appealed
Events leading to the ban: There was a syndicate who attempted, to murder me and I went to critical in medbay, so I was patched up and asked Captain, if I could execute them and they said I could, so I did so.
Reason the ban should be removed: The reason for the ban, is an improper execution but I had received captain’s permission to do so.

I’ll remove the game ban as it was a notification of indefinite roleban, the roleban portion will be handled at a later time.

It was intended to be a role-ban appeal. :sweat_smile:

To make sure you’re aware, you are role banned from captain, head of personnel, head of security, and warden. Any attempt to gain a role covered by the role ban, including a functionally similar one, will be considered a violation of the role ban and will result in a game ban. Playing as a security officer or detective is not considered a violation of this role ban as long as you do not perform duties of a role covered by the role ban. Requesting an execution is not considered a violation of the role ban, but all rules relating to executions still apply. Improper or inappropriate requests for executions may still result in admin actions, including expansion of role bans to other roles that prove problematic.

7 hours ago, Saiiryn said:

The reason for the ban, is an improper execution but I had received captain’s permission to do so.

From the detailed version of the rules, these are the requirements for an execution:


Executions must be approved by the Captain or Acting Captain, who will answer for approving it alongside the entire Chain of Command who requested it. Executions should be a last resort if the prisoner cannot be safely contained, or for particularly destructive or damaging crimes.

In the case you describe, the execution did not appear to be requested as a last resort. There does not appear to have been any indication that the prisoner could not be safely contained, and the crime does not appear to have been significantly damaging or destructive. You weren’t killed and had left the medbay at almost the same time as the syndicate and the officer who had them in custody.

I glanced over the fact, that this is to be a last resort, strictly as I’ve encountered many fellow HoS, or members of the community have done so out of convenience, or to rid of responsibility; I believe an instant ban for such a reason if unjustified, seeing as my intent was not malicious, along side such permission was requested and granted by the acting Captain.

I’ve went to great lengths to read over the rules, several times after my first incident I believe the standards we’re expected to up-hold without any leniency, or curve for learning is extreme, coming from a staff manager, and organizer for a game studio; I feel that there is a lack, of communication given, or steps beforehand, before issuing a ban, or warning.  

In-short I have no malice, against any moderative, action given, or taken against me I simply feel the standard that is up-helded needs to lean itself more-so to newcomer, or people still grasping, or learning the rule system.

a large amount of my hours are a result of me idling, on the menu, or having the application open I have around, 150 hours in total with the game and it’s ruleset, it was my mistake the first-time around for not having went over the rules but I believe this punishment is unjust for the reasons listed above.

This has apparently been brought up before, I urge that you at least consider having moderation/administration, more communicative. 

There’s a severe issue with the administration being unable to communicate/inconsistent with communication and rulesets, where I am ahelped or BWOINKED from one admin I am revered by another for skillset. Where one admin has an issue with me doing exactly the same thing every round, I suppose, well, given the circumstances, another does not. I’d like a showcase of my antag rolling, if possible, and any notes leading up to this ban. I can’t help but think it may have something to do with creating content that is antagonist-centric, but I digress, perhaps that’s just a side-note.

You were contacted about problematic executions in the past and received a temporary role ban for it. Since you were not online at the time that this issue was investigated, we could not contact you to discuss it. Based on the information from the investigation, applying the role bans was determined to be the most appropriate action.

There is no system to notify players of role ban, not notifying you would create a situation where you’d have to guess if you were role banned and may accidentally violate your role ban by getting a job change during a round. To avoid that, you were appeal banned solely to notify you of the role bans, with instructions to appeal to acknowledge the role bans. When you appealed, the game ban was removed. The game ban should not be considered against you in any future cases.

Another game admin will review this appeal as an appeal of the role bans, then the admin team will decide if the role bans should be kept in place, reduced, or removed.

Look I’ve came down a bit, I don’t request it’s lifted but a tleast make it like a month-2-3 month ban, not indefinite.

I really enjoy the game and don’t wish to be permanently barred from roles I enjoy.

I’ll be taking taking a prolonged break from the community,  to better my understanding of the rules and to clear up my head :sweat_smile:, I apologize for the inconveniences I’ve caused!

We apologize for allowing this appeal to sit as long as it has.

At this time these rolebans will remain in place due to no significant playtime (as you stated on your last post, your last connection was on the 31st of May). There have been two recorded instances where you have had extremely overzealous security play at the detriment to the round.

The first, on May 20th, I gave a one week security department ban. You did at least two unsanctioned executions (and at least one, maybe two that were sanctioned, for a total of four) on prisoners, and got the HoP in on doing your executions for you. You requested Captain permission to get your executions (indicating to me you knew it was required to begin with), and when you were denied or given a non-confirmation, you went ahead with the executions anyways and told the other participants “not to tell cap” which leads me to believe you knew full well what you were doing. You were also merely just executing syndicate agents because you wanted to, not for any valid purpose or security concern. This was also on top of gibbing executed syndicates to check for storage implants among other metagaming/validhunting activity.

On May 22nd, during your roleban, you were noted to be pleading with command staff to become a bodyguard. While this ultimately did not happen this probably would have been construed as an attempt to evade your roleban had it actually gone through.

On May 27th there was an unable-to-be-substantiated claim of you using excessive force as captain (the claim indicates you lasered someone into crit who merely ran from you, but again this wasn’t able to be substantiated).

On May 30th this ban resulted after another continued issue with executions. This ban is from Captain, HoP, HoS, and Warden. You requested the execution of a captured syndicate from the Captain for virtually no reason other than being attacked/killed by them. There was no urgency that warranted the execution nor any difficulty in containing the detainee, nor was the crime particularly damaging or destructive. Once the captain gave any vague affirmation that an execution was approved you promptly shot them to death in the middle of a hallway while they were still cuffed.


This is not an isolated incident and this is only a roleban from roles we feel you are problematic in. I think you need to take a much harder look at when an execution or use of force is warranted and focus more on keeping things interesting instead of winning. Since you are taking a break from the game, feel free to appeal this role ban when you come back and have a few weeks of playtime. 

From Rejected to Ban Appeals