Banned due to vpn

Username: knitwity

Ban reason: Failed to connect to server: Connect denied: You, or another user of this computer or connection, are banned from playing here.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I do not know why I was banned

Events leading to the ban

I was trying to join a server but due to my vpn that I am forced to use I was instantly banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

I am forced to use this vpn due to the way my network is set up. I am unable to turn off this vpn.

Alternate Accounts

Exemption granted.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

After admin discussion the above is revoked for the moment. Could you tell me whether it would be possible to allow ss14 specifically to be used without a VPN via split tunneling?

Added appeal-pending and removed appeal-accepted

unfortunately that is not possible as I do not have any control over my internet.

Hello, unfortunately after admin discussion the admin team has decided it cannot accept this request at this time.

This is mainly because you appear to be a brand new account and we have no way to verify your claims. As such we cannot be sure with any certainty that this is not attempted ban evasion.

There will be no action taken on your account. If you ever manage to disable your vpn, or tunnel through ss14 traffic you will be able to connect.

You may request an exemption in the future.

You may be able to connect to non-wizden servers. There is a wide variety of community servers which can both provide a vanilla experience, make significant changes to the game, or be brand new games all together.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

At the request of another user, yes it is possible to apply in the future with playtime or a voucher from another server and that will probably support a future exemption.

A voucher is a declaration by the admins of another server that they believe you are a problem free player, we usually require them for “voucher bans”. A voucher is not required to apply in the future.

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