SS14 account: cheeseromancer
Character name: was a long time ago, I think Greg Gregory
Type of Ban: game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: I think it was in February of this year(emphasis on the think part, was a while ago), the 27th comes to mind but I’m not sure
Reason for Ban: “bad escalation, killing an assistant, appeal due to multiple bans”
Server you were playing on when banned: I said it before and I’ll say it again, it was a while ago, so I forgot
Your side of the story: (take my side with a grain of salt since this was 3 months and a bit ago) I was an engineer, assistant got in (don’t remember how, think he might’ve followed me in), and I attacked him. I know I should’ve just called sec, but I was kinda high irl and thought it was ok to kill the assistant.
Why you think you should be unbanned: best reason I can give is its been 3 months and I’ve cooled down a good bit, although that’s not really a reason. I really don’t give anything to the community I’m just kind of of there, existing. ban was totally fair btw.
Anything else we should know: I’m pretty sure I attempted to kill an afk assistant that was outside engineering with an emitter I got from cargo. I don’t know, I think I found it funny at the time (as I mentioned in the my side of the story part, I was kinda high)
forgot to mention duration of ban, its permanent
just putting this here so it gets to the top of the most recent topics in case you guys forgot about it or didn’t see it. I know you discuss stuff internally among the staff but its been 22 hours so I’m just getting a bit paranoid. sorry about this
7 hours ago, cheeseromancer said:
just putting this here so it gets to the top of the most recent topics in case you guys forgot about it or didn’t see it. I know you discuss stuff internally among the staff but its been 22 hours so I’m just getting a bit paranoid. sorry about this
Stuff can take a long time to deal with; potentially days. Do yourself a favour and just try to relax, and not think about it until an update comes.
15 hours ago, Pspritechologist said:
Stuff can take a long time to deal with; potentially days. Do yourself a favour and just try to relax, and not think about it until an update comes.
yeah, ik, sorry. like i said just getting a bit paranoid lol
also goodluck with your appeal Pspritechologist.
For reference, this is your 6th ban, not by me. I’ve banned you twice for testing our rules, as have others.
Usually after this length of time I’d unban but your appeal is just bad. It’s just pointing out you were banned and nothing else. Removing the ban just because time has passed is not a good enough reason. So again, why should we unban you? Are you aware you’re on thin ice regarding our ban policy and if we unban you there’s a chance you will be removed from the community if you accumulate another perma ban?
1 hour ago, Peptide said:
For reference, this is your 6th ban, not by me. I’ve banned you twice for testing our rules, as have others.
Usually after this length of time I’d unban but your appeal is just bad. It’s just pointing out you were banned and nothing else. Removing the ban just because time has passed is not a good enough reason. So again, why should we unban you? Are you aware you’re on thin ice regarding our ban policy and if we unban you there’s a chance you will be removed from the community if you accumulate another perma ban?
I’m gonna be brutally honest, there is no reason to unban me.
- yes, that is not a reason. I am aware of this and even stated so in my appeal (I probably should’ve added quotation marks to the reason part of “best reason I can give”, although I did say its not really a reason.).
- as you have said, I have been banned 6 times before in the past, so yes, I am aware the ice I am on is very, very thin. and about me having the chance of getting removed from the community; the only thing I can give you is my word that I will be better. I cannot give anything other than my word, and yes, I am aware my word is very, very unreliable looking at my ban history. and IF you accept this appeal and I am stupid enough to break and/or test the rules again and get another ban, yes, I agree, I should be removed from the community.
sorry if I sound passive aggressive or sarcastic writing this btw, this is just how I type sorry.
2 hours ago, cheeseromancer said:
I’m gonna be brutally honest, there is no reason to unban me.
- yes, that is not a reason. I am aware of this and even stated so in my appeal (I probably should’ve added quotation marks to the reason part of “best reason I can give”, although I did say its not really a reason.).
- as you have said, I have been banned 6 times before in the past, so yes, I am aware the ice I am on is very, very thin. and about me having the chance of getting removed from the community; the only thing I can give you is my word that I will be better. I cannot give anything other than my word, and yes, I am aware my word is very, very unreliable looking at my ban history. and IF you accept this appeal and I am stupid enough to break and/or test the rules again and get another ban, yes, I agree, I should be removed from the community.
sorry if I sound passive aggressive or sarcastic writing this btw, this is just how I type sorry.
I did learn my lesson (in case you mention that) but I thought that would be a bit obvious since if that was not the case I wouldn’t be making a appeal so I didn’t add that as a reason. sorry.
5 hours ago, cheeseromancer said:
I thought that would be a bit obvious since if that was not the case I wouldn’t be making a appeal so I didn’t add that as a reason. sorry.
Every denied appeal is a person we don’t think has learned their lesson. Every person banned after they successfully appeal is someone who didn’t learn their lesson.
34 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:
Every denied appeal is a person we don’t think has learned their lesson. Every person banned after they successfully appeal is someone who didn’t learn their lesson.
yeah, that makes sense. six times is a lot of bans though, so if I don’t learn my lesson at that point, I’m really, really stupid.
Going to accept this appeal but do re familiarise yourself with the rules, be on your best behaviour and ahelp if you need anything rather than taking matters into your own hands.
I think the whole admin team are in agreement that if you skirt or break the rules again it’ll be permanent no appeal.
ahelp before you do anything that might be even close to breaking a rule l, and remove yourself from a situation and ahelp it if you think you might end up breaking arule, or see someone else doing so.