Bir1 - ERP, kiss emoting someone and then trying to abduct them at gun point. When questioned about what they were doing in aHelp, said they were trying to "Violent Romance"

Username: Bir1

Ban reason: ERP, kiss emoting someone and then trying to abduct them at gun point. When questioned about what they were doing in aHelp, said they were trying to "Violent Romance"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

  • Character starts as a willing/hardworking Service Worker that before entering the service area, talks with reporter about a body out of the station to give them news, strikes a conversation with a witness of the body: them being [AFFECTED PLAYER]

  • After helping save people from slimes at the bar, and helping at botany and kitchen while enphasizing his hard-work, he requests a new title and right to bear arms as a Service worker at HOPS. Where he sees [AFFECTED PLAYER]

  • OOC: I think I saw the psychologist of the ship offering services, just as the lawyer of the ship. I keep that in mind.

  • Either space carps, or spiders leave the character injured and he attends to medbay, where he is saved by [AFFECTED PERSON] , (IC admiration develops. Blush emote.)

  • Shortly after returning to the kitchen and mentioned how cool [AFFECTED PERSON] to the janitor {I hope to take them on a date!}, get attacked by Lifeforms and insulted by a witness. (IC breakdown.)

  • This time, reach medbay in bad condition and ignored, not receiving treatment. {“Is this how being a 5 star servo gets you?”} Character leaves angry (IC) medbay in BAD status and barely heals himself when he runs into AFFECTED PERSON.

Sadly this section is where the SERVER RULES are broken:

  • Character mentions his admiration, uses KISS emote and tells them to go to medbay with them while breaking down and eventually growing impatient.

  • In character Breakdown peaks as he shoots AFFECTED PERSON while cursing the station saying the phrase “Such is Space Love” (OOC: A wink to Doctor Who’s quote, adding drama to the story. STILL WRONG)

-Tries getting the attention of Psychologist/Lawyer. But round ends.

Ban is made effective after questioning, where the attemtp to make a “Violent romance” plot/story is mentioned.

Reason the ban should be removed

Hello, I would like to appeal regarding a perma-ban I received a couple days ago, for violent and inappropriate behavior in character during a round of SS14, in which I broke the rules by;

-Using the kissing emote on someone’s character.
-Holding them at gunpoint shortly after.
-Shooting them.
-Diminishing the whole situation as “Violent Romance” when asked by the admin.

I acknowledge that I broke the rules, and I am truly sorry for unsettling the fellow player and admin involved, this was not Intended as an OOC snap/abuse of power/harassment, but in fact, was an unsuccessful attempt from my part at learning how to interpret a Mentally unstable character (with femme-fatale/evil don juan vibes) [Neglected by medbay after doing his best.] , to give the game’s psychologist and lawyer in shift something interesting to work with.

I know it looks bad, especially since I did not get assigned an ANTAGONIST role and this behavior could be confused with ERP seeking, which was not my intent (I even mentioned in the Admin message this was; ABSOLUTELY NOT ERP). I’ve only been playing for a few days, and if checked, this behavior is not present in the rest of my rounds with different characters, who have had their own stories/vibes.

I am truly sorry for what happened, making a fellow player feel uncomfortable OOC is the least thing I want to happen. I wish to be unbanned for I learned my lesson and I would like the opportunity to rejoin the amazing game community at the official servers, of course, minding my role and choices of character personality and most importantly, interactions and politeness to fellow players in the future.

Sidenote: My partner who shares my network also plays the game, so the login attempts from another account are not me trying to circumvent this sanction.

Sincerely, Birby1. (Bir1)

Alternate Accounts

Main account: Bir1

Account belonging to my partner in the same network: Lemoth1/Gothmoth420

we can be seen playing simultaniously in other occassions


Since, this is your first offence of this kind I will be accepting this appeal. Please be sure to read over our server rules as even though this is not ERP, it does fall under sexual content. Please note that this is your final warning for this offence.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending