Username: BL00DASP
Ban reason: The ban reason is: "Saying "Violence against minorities" when asked what security's role was." This ban will only be removed via appeal.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
This ban occurred on Salamander Station
The HOS called a security team meeting at the beginning of the shift where they started out by asking:
“what is security’s role?”
which i responded with:
“to enact Violence against minorities”
Which i then followed up with:
“err… i mean to protect and serve”
I was then permanently banned 15 or so minutes later with no bwoinks, admin messages or in-context reprimands for my behaviour.
Reason the ban should be removed
I believe that this punishment is too harsh for what was meant to be a joke and a comment on the current state of the real-life police.
I apologise for if my comment offended anyone, it was not intended to be hurtful to anyone.
The comment I made was in no way intended to represent my personal views and was intended as a joke.