BrandonH - Banned from chemist permanetly - Listen to your team leader - Consistantly pushing limits of this role, direclty ignoring basic orders to the point of near demotion, unlabled mixed chems leading to th

Username: BrandonH

Banned Roles: Chemist

Ban reason: Banned from chemist permanetly - Listen to your team leader - Consistantly pushing limits of this role, direclty ignoring basic orders to the point of near demotion, unlabled mixed chems leading to th
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
What I was banned for is not against the rules

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

Playing chem.
I’ve made five jugs of advanced brute.
I have two jugs of advanced brute on the hot plate.
I finished making everything I thought medbay needed. ( expected the other chem to do more )

CMO comes and ask for bicardine. I already have five jug of advanced brute on the floor that they can clearly see.
Two half jugs of bicardine on the floor that they can clearly see.

They also ask for inaprov.

Instead of making bicardine or inaprov, I asked CMO for plasma.
They were standing in front of a reinforced table so it would take 1-2 seconds to get if they have a wrench.

They refuse to get me plasma and instead threaten to fire me immediately.
Nothing else happened, they just threatened to fire me at that very moment when nothing else happened during the round.

CMO leaves and botany comes asking for chems.

I spend time making chems for botany and immediately after I’m done CMO brings two security officers to chemistry to demote and fire me.

I explain how I didn’t make bicardine because there are seven jugs of advanced brute on the ground.

I also asked them “Isn’t Dexa+ better than inaprov?” which they didn’t respond.
I am pretty sure Dexa+ is better than inaprov.

Reason the ban should be removed

I already had 5-7 jugs of advanced brute done when CMO asked for bicardine.

Dexa+ is better than inaprov.
I asked cmo for plasma so i could specifically make dexa+, they refused.

Inaprov requires carbon to make.
Bicardine requires carbon to make.
We only had a single jug of carbon left in chem.

With limited supplies, it makes no sense to make inaprov and not Dexa+
With limited supplies, it makes no sense to make bicardine when we already have 5-7 jugs of advanced brute.

I’ve made at least 20+ jugs of chems that round.

I was not the only chemist on shift.
There was another who made 1/10-1/4 of what I had done all round.

The admin who banned me said I was “putting strain on medbay”.

The admin comments makes no sense.

One of the first things the CMO did that round round for chem was threaten to fire me because I didn’t want to waste our only jug of carbon on stuff we already had or stuff that is inferior to what could be made.

Bring supplies chem asked for? Nope, not that.
Fire the chem for not wasting the only jug of carbon on bicardine? Yep

I already had AHelped the CMO for being antagonistic to me and threatening to fire me over the silliest things but somehow the admin saw nothing wrong with that and instead focused on me not wasting our only jug of carbon on stuff we already had.

Alternate Accounts


refusing to make basic brute medication in favor of …

At what point do people get to make their own decisions?

If there are 7 jugs of advanced brute in plain sight on the ground.
Why would I make more bicardine?

You can choose to ignore unreasonable orders

When is making more bicardine when seven jugs of advanced brute is already made not unreasonable?

When is making inaprov using the last jug of carbon when dexa+ can be made not unreasonable?

When I say this I mean, the jug of carbon I had access to.

The other chemist had acquired at least 2 jugs of carbon for themselves in their machines.

I am obviously not going to touch their chems.

Closing this off until the game ban has been cleared. you can re-appeal after that.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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