Bulleteye - Banned from using the roles command for abusing power to have a rise up against the cap(i am on cell phone right now but that was roughly it)

Username: bulleteye

Banned Roles: Command based roles

Ban reason: Banned from using the roles command for abusing power to have a rise up against the cap(i am on cell phone right now but that was roughly it)
Length of ban: The ban was 2 weeks
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

It was a around on leviathan… i was hos… (cant remember if it joined late or not)

Shift was going well. Cap was trolling with bolting random doors. I didnt care at first until it got worse. Cmo called a meeting for command all but cap… said they wanted to fire the cap. Seemed reasonable everyone voted yes… someone called cap to bridge… we told him we wanted him to be fired… i was little confused and just went along with the rp. I was still learning command i had roughly 20 hours in hos… but i normally spend the time teaching cadets tricks. And giving command implant trackers. > back to shift< things got out of hand… cap was running. I told sec to get them and said " cap is armed and dangerous" (dont remember if shots was fired but i never attacked the cap directly from my memory)

Things kept going on. 2 other command members switched to caps side. Rd and ce i believe.

Thats was pretty much the round somethings big happened and we evac… next round i get message from admin about what happened. Tried explaining. But it was getting late and was getting no response after a while so i left to go to sleep.

All together the ban expired it lated 2 weeks… but i just wanted to redeem my self i learned alot more of command now and how the games works…

Reason the ban should be removed

Banned expired… but i paid the price for breaking some rules and learned the mistakes i rather teach new players how to play the game on salamander and the new player friendly server. So i am assuming the ban was stopping the whitelist

Alternate Accounts

I do not

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