Cells need a small redesing

The current cell desing we have is too basic, while this on itself isn’t bad it leads to some issues at anyone who played sec for some time will know, The main problem of these cells is at they only have one windoor (and sometimes they only have a normal door with id lock), allowing the prisoners inside to just camp said door so when anyone opens it they can try to run away into disposals (and i have seen this happen many times), hell you can’t even uncuff the prisoner inside the cell safely as for when you open the door they could try to flee.
This leads to sec leaving the prisoner cuffed on the bed until they uncuff themselves, not interacting with the prisoner at all and/or descontructing any disposal units they have on the hall. This desing also makes impossible to keep more at 1 prisoner per cell due to how hard can be to control a single prisoner.
If we keep making cells with this desing everyone will have the same problems and will rather kill people instead of capturing them (excluding sec but that is because that is their job, and is horrible).

I have been testing myself some cell desings at could work and found out two small changes at can fix the issues of the cell desing we are using, the first one adds 2 secure windoors at bolt each other while open for the entrance and the second one would be a second pair of windoors at bolt each other where only the windoor outside the cell haves id lock and with plastic flaps inside, this would be used for pass items at the prisoner may want to get/give without having to enter the cell (i would like more to just have some kind of reinforced window at can let items go through instead of this though).
This desing would allow whoever is in charge of the cell to interact with the prisoners without problems, this could even allow us to make cells for 2 or more prisoners and not having such horrible cell desings made for a single person (Origin’s cells are the worse ones imo) which would give more opportunies and gameplay for the prisoners and overall make the experience of whoever owns the cell a little less painful.


Added space-station-14

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