Ban reason:N/A Length of ban:No idea. (Indefinite?) Ban Issue: I do not know why I was banned
Vote Opt-Out:false
Events leading to the ban
I unironically forgot.
Reason the ban should be removed
It’s been like 2ish years, talked to some GMs a couple days ago they couldn’t find a reason as to why the ban wasn’t lifted. They apparently looked through my hidden notes and normal admin remarks and said that I should’ve been unbanned and that I should take it over to the forums.
The banning reason is as follows “Metacommunications with user queuebe by their own admission. Please read the rules next time. Appeal at the SS14 forums.” Please respond with your updated reasoning to why you should be unbanned.
Sure. The apparent reasoning is this:
“Banned from the server permanently - Metacommunications with user queuebe by their own admission. Please read the rules next time. Appeal at the SS14 forums.”
I’ve quite clearly resolved this as shown on the adminremarks, had a chat with Cake was simply a misunderstanding. That round from what I can recall that lead to this ban was a couple of individuals that round that had the same last names and I was lurking around these people as a secoff. Cake was a tmin at this time and accidentally shot me instead of the other people. I do have logs with CakeMaestor and mushroomlavander in discord DMs showing that
CakeMaestor accidentally banned the wrong person. It was also pretty funny and we had a little laugh about it.