An upgraded chemmaster that works like a flatpack, only needs raw liquids to make a desired amount of chemical. Sure there are different ratios, so the loss could but maybe it could be an argument for it being easier,faster but more costly? I see the use for chem when all the chems get bombed and usually takes like 20 minutes to restock all, god forbid more complex ones. Maybe it could be hidden behind tier 3 civillian?
this just kinda removes the chem from chem
this kinda isn’t available round start, so there’s still chem to do. Besides doing chems all the time denies much rp.
Just like the RCD removes all construction. And it is a round start item.
You just need to make it a limited use thing or smt.
In CMSS13 there is an auto-chem maker where you input the wanted amounts and it will draw from a beaker to mix them as best as possible. It is good for mass production, but setup is still very manual (you need to fill vials with the desired amounts and input them in order) and needs to be kept fed on top of being limited to a single solution at a time (until it is re-programmed with new vials).
It also cannot use certain chemicals nor can it centrifuge/heat solutions.
Chem could be doing more than just become a bot that presses buttons in order like a monkey all round.
I think a Chem Mixer could be neat. I feel it should require you to craft the chem you desire the first time, and then it can add that to memory allowing you to say select dex and it would take the plasma and o2 from its cache, then select cryox and it would take dex, water and o2. the limiting factor being you’d have to make it first time in a round.
for me this would help reduce the cognative load of chems, where your having to remember all the various mixes and OD’s and what chems have been made not just by you but by the other chemist.