Role(s): Atmospheric Technician
Length of ban: 14 days
Events leading to the ban: story as I posted on discord
>Be me in atmos
>Make 6 cans full of frezon and sell em for about 130k each.
>decide to keep one and fill a hand tank with frezon
>Do silly atmos thing by wanting to getting people high on the shuttle ride home
>Open your hand tank of frezon on .5 in main shuttle room
>Realize people are dying and you may have filled that tank with A LOT of really cold gas
>arrive at Cent-Com with more then half the shuttle dead
>Get role banned
So this happened during a long round on salamander in bagel station, I had sold 5 other cans full of frezon and kept one when I knew we were going home. I filled a hand tank with frezon with the idea that I was gonna get people high on the ride home. And as an atmosian I’ve huffed a good bit of frezon in my day with out dying but guess because I kept it really cool (around -250c) I was able to fit a lot in the tank and people started dying on the shuttle, I realized what was going on a little to late. I turned off the tank but it was empty by then, I let some people who were still up into the engi room where it was safe. We stud there until we got to cent com and then helped move bodies to medical, I truly felt bad for what i did but didn’t tell anyone besides the CE latter before round restart. then an admin pigged me asking “why the frezon?”. I told them the story and got fairly role banned.
Reason the ban should be removed: if not removed maybe a reduction to a week or something as i still did do a wrong, even if i didn’t mean to and am sorry, it’s a week to reflect.
I know i messed up and regret doing it, I honestly just wanted to mess around a bit and get people high, I wasn’t even sure how well it would work if at all, so when I saw people dying because of me I understood how badly I fucked up right then, I won’t do that again or anything like it, and just want to get back to making frezon to sell, also running the TEG to show it’s the best power generator.
Love the game, and love the role.