Ban reason: Arrivals sabotage, welding doors shut
Length of ban: 3 days
Events leading to the ban: On Kettle (please view attached map) I welded the right arrivals shuttle door shut, this was to force people to disembark the arrivals shuttle form the left side, avoiding where I intended to space the arrivals dock that I was using to build a shuttle. This should not have impacted anyone and ideally it would have been a temporary measure to prevent people from getting stuck at the right side of arrivals when the rightmost north corner is spaced.
I was building a shuttle there in an attempt to use the provided shuttle airlock and small fan as the back door for the shuttle as a work around for not being able to build these without admin tools
I was then forced to SSD
I explained what I was doing to a co-worker and I hoped he would see my vision and continue work in that spot.
Reason the ban should be removed: The goal of welding the doors was to prevent people from getting stuck in arrivals, I wasn’t there to see if anyone was stuck , but it would be actively challenging to get stuck given that I had only welded half the doors. If I had been around to explain what I was doing I can’t see how I would have got a ban for this.
Diagram below: