Username: doglovelogic
Ban reason: The ban reason is: "Being a creep in ahelp. Touch some grass"
Length of ban: Appeal only
Ban Issue:
What I was banned for is not against the rules
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I was playing Security Officer in the brig of Sec, in the middle of handling the booking of an arrest when I was suddenly instagibbed by an admeme. The admeme in question was the “Immortal Snail” meme, which an admin applied to a player controlled snail that would instagib anyone it touched. I was completely unaware of the event until it had already killed me, and was very frustrated to be prematurely round removed by something that felt out of my control and not part of the core game experience.
Reason the ban should be removed
Directly after the incident, I went into ahelp and lashed out on the admins in a condescending and hateful manner. I’m not entirely certain if my ban was due to my specific choice of words, or rather just the situation as a whole.
After the ban was issued, I allowed myself several days to recoup and reflect on the situation, I’ve come to the realization that my behavior was irrational and an overstep of boundaries. I’m also sorry to all admins involved for the volatile and hateful reaction I gave them during the event.
On a less serious note, I’d also like to report that I did take the advice to “touch grass” afterwards as part of my reflection, pictures provided. ^^