SS14 account username: Draftyowl
Ban reason: F-slur
Date of ban: Unknown
Length of ban: Appeal only
Events leading to the ban: Am not really sure what lead up to me using the F word or when I even said it to be honest, but am sure it was due to me getting heated at the way another player was treating me or how a situation unfolded on me, Not Saying its just to call someone that but that I most likely got heated in the moment and let my frustration get the better of me.
Reason the ban should be removed: I admit I don’t really recall Why, What, When, or Where I was going at the moment of use. But am sorry about it. I must’ve been frustrated at what was going or the interaction that was happing, for that am sorry for my language.
This appeal is accepted. I trust we will not have a similar issue.
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