Enginneer - you have been banned for saying retarded and other "vairents"

Username: enginneer

Ban reason: you have been banned for saying retarded and other "vairents"
Length of ban: appeal only
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

saying you tard i had actually ment it as turd but i couldnt say anything as i didnt even get a message from an admin before being banned

Reason the ban should be removed

because i think it shouldnt be this long i think it should be like 2-3 days and if i do it for a third time i think an month ban would be enough

Alternate Accounts enginneer - you have been banned for saying retarded and other “vairents”

please someone reply

This appeal is of so little effort I do not believe it can be processed. It will be closed.
You were warned 2 time prior to this ban for the same issue of slurs.
Appeal again if you want to address the issue you were banned for not that you disagree with the rules and the punishments associated with them.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

how this is not little effort

that isnt doing a good job it is not my fault that you cant process it

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