EverybodysFavorite - "welder bombing the AME"

Username: EverybodysFavorite

Ban reason: "welder bombing the AME"
Length of ban: Permanent
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

On September 14th, 2024 I joined the game last time, playing as a passenger and just joking around on a low-pop without even breaking into engi excessively. After not joining the game at September 15th at all, I then connected on Sept. 16th and saw a permanent gameban for an action I have no idea why I was put guilt on. Last time I breaked into engineering I was a Syndie agent and needed to kill a target, and I didn’t blew up AME, and I never even play engineering as a role.

Reason the ban should be removed

I did not do what is listed in the ban reason at all, which means there is no reason for the gameban.

Alternate Accounts

No alternate accounts.

It looks like this was not actually a indef ban and has since expired, closing.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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