Username: EverybodysFavorite
Ban reason: "welder bombing the AME"
Length of ban: Permanent
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
On September 14th, 2024 I joined the game last time, playing as a passenger and just joking around on a low-pop without even breaking into engi excessively. After not joining the game at September 15th at all, I then connected on Sept. 16th and saw a permanent gameban for an action I have no idea why I was put guilt on. Last time I breaked into engineering I was a Syndie agent and needed to kill a target, and I didn’t blew up AME, and I never even play engineering as a role.
Reason the ban should be removed
I did not do what is listed in the ban reason at all, which means there is no reason for the gameban.
Alternate Accounts
No alternate accounts.