Username: FDRsNoodleLegs
Ban reason: accused the HoP of pedophelia, claiming that someone has evidence they've been 'jorging it to poor [...] children.' and calling them a pedo directly. not sure where you'd think that'd be alright, but
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
Playing reporter, friends in discord told me to rp as alex jones. Made a bunch of inflammatory articles including stating HoP was pedo. Played into gag, being egged on by friends. Later confronted HoP face to face. said inflammatory remarks. HoP was very displeased in LOOC, tried to talk it out with him but he was not having it. went seperate ways and played for like another 30 mins in match before abruptly being booted from server and permabanned.
Reason the ban should be removed
Like playing on the wizard den servers great place to be. Would like a 2nd chance at playing on these servers again. I will admit that I played with fire and totally understand that. If anything, I’d be ok with being permabanned from reporter role.