FireMode14 - Metacomms with GreenArg

Username: FireMode14

Ban reason: Metacomms with GreenArg
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I was in hop trying to switch jobs and I saw my friend and said “join discord call”

Reason the ban should be removed

While I did ask him to join call he did not actually join call and reminded me over text of the rule.

Alternate Accounts

Hello before taking any decision, it appears there is an extra issue I need to look into.

In the ahelp the banning admin also states that you are banned for abuse of staff due to insults thrown during the ahelp.

As it was not included in the ban reason, I am still confirming the significance of this with the banning admin.

In the meantime, would you like to add anything to your appeal regarding this?

For transparency, here is the ahelp transcript:

:outbox_tray: 00:16:29 RyanStrudfelt: what’s this about you telling someone to join discord?
:inbox_tray: 00:16:37 FireMode14: we got deafen
:inbox_tray: 00:16:39 FireMode14: go
:inbox_tray: 00:16:48 FireMode14: i would like to play mc with him
:inbox_tray: 00:16:49 FireMode14: soon
:inbox_tray: 00:16:51 FireMode14: thats it
:outbox_tray: 00:16:54 RyanStrudfelt: We who?
:inbox_tray: 00:16:58 FireMode14: goog
:inbox_tray: 00:17:01 FireMode14: bunderson
:inbox_tray: 00:17:11 FireMode14: why
:inbox_tray: 00:17:17 FireMode14: i cant ask my damn friend to play mc with me
:outbox_tray: 00:17:41 RyanStrudfelt: You can’t be in a discord call or VC with anyone whilst connected to our servers.
:outbox_tray: 00:17:47 RyanStrudfelt: Which you very clearly are
:inbox_tray: 00:17:53 FireMode14: im not
:inbox_tray: 00:18:00 FireMode14: i will send screenie
:outbox_tray: 00:18:13 RyanStrudfelt: I do not believe you. and a screenshot is not sufficient evidence.
:inbox_tray: 00:18:30 FireMode14: asshole
:inbox_tray: 00:18:36 FireMode14: im not evenen speaking to em
:outbox_tray: 00:18:41 RyanStrudfelt: Cool, You just added Abuse of staff to that
:inbox_tray: 00:18:44 FireMode14: i dont get to speak to them
:inbox_tray: 00:18:49 FireMode14: ABUSE TO STAFF
:outbox_tray: 00:18:52 RyanStrudfelt: Yep
:inbox_tray: 00:18:54 FireMode14: this is bull
:no_entry: 00:18:58 FireMode14 has been banned for: Metacomms with GreenArg