FortyFK - arguing my ban/disrespect to admin?

Discord Username: Forty, fortyfk, Forty#2183
Ban reason: arguing my ban/disrespect to admin?
Ban Issue:
I do not know why I was banned

Events leading to the ban

it was a long time ago but i got banned from the ss14 servers because of lude crayon pictures. i just remember that i got banned without warning and it was something i didnt really think was fair, that round i had been drawing a lot around the station and i wasnt warned or shown the drawn image that could have been lude. but i got discord banned because i do remember trying to get some admin help on what specifically i was banned for because the ban message was very vague. and it turned into an argument because the one admin that was responding to me was not being very helpful and i just got really upset after they started making personal remarks and in the middle of our argument i was banned from the discord.

Reason the ban should be removed

ive never interacted negatively in the discord before then, and i feel like we both just got way too heated over something kinda silly and id like to be able to join the discord again because i would really like to be apart of the salamander roleplay server. i also play space station 14 a lot after my server ban was over without any negative interactions with admins or other players.

Alternate Accounts

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please i just want to sign up for salamander :point_right: :point_left:


Ban’s nearly a year old, lifting this. Please be mindful of how you interact with others in game (re: crayon drawings) or admins (re: discord ban directly).

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending