SS14 account: frothed1
Character name: i don’t know it was random
Type of Ban: game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: perma
Reason for Ban: gibbed a player “they were not playing” just as they returned from being afk
Server you were playing on when banned: wizard den
Your side of the story: first of all broke the rules and i shouldn’t have done that i killed that person because i did not like my job and i thought to my self that i maybe could just kill him and get his job on top of that i did some minor stuff to get me banned sometimes
Why you think you should be unbanned: i really liked the game and the community i acted like an idiot i have to admit and i won’t do it again i really love this game and played a bit of 13 not to be a complete beginner
Anything else we should know: i have been permabanned before but i was not really my fault