SS14 account: Hoffman
Character name: No Clue Sorry
Type of Ban: Game Ban
Date of Ban and Duration: Last 2 weeks some time, duration is perma.
Reason for Ban: "N-Slur, appeal at - banning admin MysticPhantasm2
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: Not a clue can’t recall saying any variation of the “n-slur”.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Don’t remember saying it, didn’t mean it in an offensive manner.
Anything else we should know:
appeal, include it here.
5 hours ago, Hoffman said:
Don’t remember saying it, didn’t mean it in an offensive manner.
So did you or did you not say it
I don’t remember, as I’ve said.
Don’t remember making these comments but their a minute apart so they are unrelated. I’m mixed IRL, half-aussie, half aboriginal so you can take your racism comment and shove it.
Slurs aren’t allowed regardless of whether you’re ‘half-aussie, half-aboriginal’. Furthermore, no one made a comment about anything being racist, just that you used slurs. Appeal denied.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals