How can I nuke the station as a captain

How can I nuke the station as a captain?

The captain is not supposed to nuke the station. Maybe if the captain is the only survivor in a xeno infested station, then it’d be cool, I guess… but even then the admins might prefer sending in an emergency rescue team.

I don’t think you can, anyway. You’d need the activation code, and only nukies have that, as far as I know.

The reason why the captain has the activation disk is to make it a target for nukies. They have the code, but they need the disk. Don’t think too hard about it. It doesn’t make much sense thematically, but it makes gameplay interesting.

For the official servers, you would need the codes for the nuke, which only spawn during nukie rounds, or by an admin. generally, you will never be given them.

this actually happened to me once when I was captain, admemes were spawning kudzu and making all the trees huge, so they gave me the code and i VERY VERY reluctantly nuked the station. admins spawn it and give you the go ahead and you can kill the station