Improving Anomaly Cores

  1. Introduce the Ability to Create New Anomalies from Cores
    I propose adding a mechanic that allows scientists to combine two anomaly cores to create a new anomaly. This would address the issue of “useless” anomalies spawning early in the shift, especially in situations where plasma is scarce for experimentation.


Improved Resource Utility: Instead of cores remaining unused in backpacks, they would become integral to further experimentation.
Expanded Experimentation Opportunities: Scientists would have more tools to study anomalies, offering greater engagement in R&D gameplay.
Implementation Idea:
This feature could be added to the anomaly scanner or a dedicated machine in R&D. Players would insert two cores, and the machine would generate a random new anomaly. Developers could balance this mechanic by requiring the cores to meet certain conditions (e.g., charged, of a specific type) to prevent overuse.

  1. Improvements to the Anomaly Glove
    The anomaly glove, while conceptually interesting, is currently too situational to be consistently useful. I propose the following enhancements to increase its utility:

Attraction Mode: Introduce a mode that allows the user to pull anomalies toward them at the cost of 1 glove charge. This would help resolve situations where anomalies spawn in inaccessible locations (e.g., corners or areas surrounded by obstacles).
Knockback on Strike: The glove could be enhanced to push targets (including players) a few tiles away when striking, inflicting minimal damage. This would provide the glove with a tactical application in combat or hazard management, making it more versatile.

Expanded Functionality: These improvements would make the anomaly glove more useful in both scientific and practical scenarios.
Improved Quality of Life: Pulling anomalies would reduce frustration when dealing with inaccessible anomalies, while knockback would add more strategic depth to interactions involving the glove.
Implementation Idea:
The attraction mode could be toggled via the glove’s interface, and the knockback effect could activate automatically during melee strikes. Charge consumption and knockback distance could be adjusted to maintain balance.

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anomaly cores allready have a use. “street cred” the more you have orbiting you. the more respected you are


im gonna put in my improvement here as well. Make them ungrabble so you can interact with the mouse without ‘dodging’ them orbiting you adding an extra action to stop it following instead.

I know somefolks interact with things with E but Im a clicker, countless times i’ve accidently grabbed my anom core when trying to pick up an item or interact with a door or lathe, just making them orbit until you press an interaction key (like turning on air valve) would be a huge quaility of life improvement for other people coming into SS14 who use Click interactions.

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but it is soo hard to try and press e on them. espically the far out fast ones.

I think it would be neat if the types of the cores got to play a role in their use. If we got someone really ambitious on the case, you could have, like, heaters powered by heat anomaly cores and such.

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i mean i know the botany anom cores can be used in planting. no clue what they grow

Remap your controls
Use to E
Activate item in world to Mouse Left