Ban reason: [
]Length of ban: [720 minutes]
Events leading to the ban: [I was a syndicate with non kill objectives, get QM tablet and HoS orders. During the round I emagged disposals and hid the entrance into disposals with a wall (not a murder trap, emagged disposals mean people are already dead, but I don’t want people to see them) I found another syndicate with whom we made plans, a librarian or a musician saw us and we killed them quickly. Prior to that, the other agent killed CMO and another passenger, I shared with them that to hide the bodies we can send them via the disposals shute into the emagged shredder. Meaning I helped the other syndie, despite not having, this was my only intention. We also made plans to bomb both med and bridge with my bomb getting defused. Fast forward a few minutes, Turbo Charger messages me asking me to explain myself. .]
Reason the ban should be removed: [ While I don’t argue with the ban length, but I dont understand why admin/admin team does not apply the rules that they set themselves. THE ONLY reason I did this, is because some time ago I read the following ban appeal:
There the admin **nikthechampiongr **wrote the following: “On emagged disposals, that is the danger of just shoving yourself down disposals without a second thought. If you jump down disposals then you should expect to die.”]
I try not to break rules, but without any explanation TurboCharger banned me. I am fine with being banned for this duration, but at least explain what I have done wrong. I shoved two dead people in there in an attempt helping the other agent, all other people who jumped in there, I am sorry, but its not my fault. I am attaching a screenshot of my chat with TurboCharger.