Jaws of life should be restricted

Jaws of life is just a crowbar and a cutter in one, it doesn’t significantly speed up any of these operations and it isn’t smaller than the two tools combined. It does however give you full access to any door that is not bolted. Leaving it unrestricted and giving it to any person that asks sci is to just give AA to everyone.
I’ve seen janitors break into bridge just because they want to clean.

I would propose to restrict it to departments that might need quick access to areas and need to ask for permission afterwords. For example paramedics and maybe engi/atmos.

Some ss13 servers have it so that jaws of life can only be printed in engineering specific protolathes, effectively locking them in engi.

Another suggestion is to have sci become more vigilant over them, like engi is with insulated gloves, and need actual reason for the ability to open doors they don’t have access to. But this is hard as sci don’t have to clean up messes if someone breaks in somewhere, unlike engi who get work if someone uses gloves to hack doors.

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Added space-station-14

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