Username: Jeffdiamondchin
Ban reason: "innapropriate character and rdm of station pets"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I created a new character whose name was a parody of a well known serial killer and played as a chef. I went through several rounds with no one noticing, or at very least with no admins bothering to ban me. After about three or four rounds with this character, I played a round in which I killed and tried to kill a large quantity of station pets in order to turn them into food. After the round ended I received the ban.
Reason the ban should be removed
My character’s name was completely against the rules and I understand that, I should not have named my character after anyone, much less a real life serial killer. There is no possible way I could justify this behaviour and so I simply wish to say that I am sorry for my actions, and that if I am unbanned I will never do something like this again. The RDM of station pets was also something that I should not have done and am sorry for due to negatively impacting the game and its players, however at the time of the ban the rules relating to proper escalation involving station pets were not yet added and I believed animals to be exempt from the rules relating to escalation. I am fully aware that the rules have been changed to include proper escalation procedures involving station pets, and am prepared to follow these new rules. I am also aware that I may have been somewhat responsible for the addition of these rules and am deeply sorry if that is the case. All this considered, I feel I am ready to return to the community and hope to have a positive impact on it in the future as the game continues its development.