Karallie - said being muzzled is kinky

Ban reason: [Called being muzzled “kinky dude”]
Length of ban: [appeal-only]
Events leading to the ban: [This happened a bit ago so I cannot remember most of it. This happened across shifts when I was arrested and couldn’t shut up, sec said they’d muzzle which at the time I saw it as kinky, which is why I called it kinky. sorry if this is such a bad appeal I barely remember all of this.]
Reason the ban should be removed: [I miss playing Wizden and I have stopped seeing it as kinky, I wont call it kinky again.]


This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Long time served
  • Lesser end of sexual content issue.

Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals