Kaylie - Unreasonable & insulting behavior toward many staff members

Discord Username: moonykay
Ban reason: Unreasonable & insulting behavior toward many staff members.
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

N/A. I know “I can’t remember clearly” is a fucking lame ass excuse of a reason but that’s just how it is. I’m not going to pretend otherwise, it’s likely the inciting incident was not anything anyone here is responsible for nor could explain, only my own health. Sorry, I don’t really want to go in depth on my problems (and on the issues that have stressed me out so fucking much) in a public forum post.

Reason the ban should be removed

In short: I’m sorry.

And now for the long answer:
I’m doing better now, I like to think, and I’m not crumbling under stress at this time. I owe multiple people (Chief Engineer, mirrorcult, PJB, sloth, smug, jez, much of the game staff, etc) apologies for my behavior and I’m sorry. There are things I’ve said that were never acceptable, and I’ve taken far too long to fix my tone and mentality. If you want to talk, please reach out, I don’t think an apology document would mean anything to the folks involved and I don’t want to accidentally write something that comes off insensitive or stupid.

Alternate Accounts

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New → Done

The decision of the moderation team is that this ban will be maintained.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-accepted

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