Username: kingmisha
Ban reason: ERP Content - Woody's got wood copypasta
Length of ban: Perma
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I thought it would be funny to post the first sentence of woody’s got wood in common, I first asked AI to read it out in common. it refused (but I didn’t really know why), so I did it myself.
I heard it was a funny meme on /tg/station and whatnot, but turns out people actually hate it and I did not know that.
Reason the ban should be removed
I was not aware of the severity of my actions, and will certainly do now. But, I think a perma-ban is too long for a first violation, especially when I was unaware of the consequences.
As it IS an NSFW copypasta, I did not consider it ERP since it is a copypasta.
What I think would be suitable is ~1-2 weeks.
Alternate Accounts
i only have this one.