Username: KINREA
Character: John Saladder
Character Race: Human
Character Description
John Saladder, a man 38 years young, though his body does show the years due to his choice of work and all that it has wrought to him. As a shaft miner on lavaland, he knew all about the risk that came with the job but still had it in him to go for it. As he worked for 18 long years, he lost more than he gained, even if you take work experience into account. His eye to the icy blast of a watcher. Burn wounds all over his body from countless gibtonite explosions. A large scar across from his chest that he got while fighting a blood-drunk miner. One time he even had to eat raw goliath meat after he lost his GPS and shelter capsule just so he could survive for another day. His trusty PKA got him through those years working on that hellhole of a planet. Now rethinking his horrible career choice, he has decided to take up safer work as a salvage specialist aboard a space station still armed with his trusty PKA. All he hopes for is a safe shift, especially from the Demons of Space (METEORS).