LAN_Server - The ban reason is: "Metacomms with Jazza09 : continued to metacomms after being warned about it" This ban will only be removed via appeal. You can appeal at

Username: LAN_Server

Ban reason: The ban reason is: "Metacomms with Jazza09 : continued to metacomms after being warned about it" This ban will only be removed via appeal. You can appeal at
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I literally got the game and started playing on the 16th of December, UTC+10 Australian time to try out the game as i have seen it online a lot. Was getting my mate to teach me over DC (did not no about Metacomms rule for the first 10 minutes of round). Amongst playing the game and back and forth with the admin (in some weird admin box) near the end of the round myself and my mate teaching me were banned on a server (Wizard Lizards i think its called) (im also still trying to wrap my head around and understand metacoomms)

Reason the ban should be removed

It was my first time playing Space Station 14,
I have not played on this server before so i have no negative nor positive repour against my name,
I have been told the Wizard server suites are good experience to learn and play on and i would like to be able to continue to try out SS14 on these servers
My conduct and intentions whilst on the server and learning were not malicious towards the community or the server. Was genuinely trying to learn the game in what i thought the most efficient way possible

Alternate Accounts


The banning admin exercised discretion to lift this ban immediately.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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