The launcher has “loading tips” when downloading updates.
If you have any FUNNY IDEAS, send them here and I might add them. Please understand that I am fully within my right to declare your ideas NOT FUNNY for any reason whatsoever.
The launcher has “loading tips” when downloading updates.
If you have any FUNNY IDEAS, send them here and I might add them. Please understand that I am fully within my right to declare your ideas NOT FUNNY for any reason whatsoever.
For reference: the list of current launcher messages can be seen here:
(You should use a good browser like Firefox which nicely displays JSON responses)
Eat your boss’s shoes
It’s not… it’s not shutting down!
Meow :3
Wrangling clowns.
TIPPY isn’t real
Law 1: underpants are harmful to humans
Based on what?
DO NOT teleport bread
Space law? More like space snore!
“I used the shotgun. You know why? Cause the shot gun doesn’t miss.”
Open the podbay doors Hal. I’m sorry Dave, you don’t have your coords on.
Famous last words:“Watch me overclock this Tesla”
“Sometimes…I dream about cheese…”
and lastly,
“The Cake is a lie!”
“Space Station”: 50% space, 50%station
“Steal the Captain’s Shoes. You know you want to!”
“Do NOT play at 3 AM!”
“Is this thing on? HELLO??”
“Don’t turn around”
“Don’t look in the mirrors”
“The Honk Honk man is watching you”
Here is a bulk drop of quotes that come to mind, quality is not guaranteed. This post may be edited if I have more random ideas.
“Your contract has been terminated.”
“Do a barrel roll!”
“As a precautionary measure, we will be turning off your brain. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
“Welcome to hell- I mean space!”
“Signed my life away to nanotrasen…”
“Glory to nanotrasen”
“Do it.”
“Insert cash or select payment type.”
“The nuclear warhead has been armed.”
“Evacuation services have been cancelled indefinitely.”
“Thank you for your service to nanotrasen”
“Tide incorporated.” (Or “tider incorporated”)
“Space Station 15: electric boogaloo”
“They know what you did in the pod wars.”
“Behind you.”
“Billions must tide.”
“Downloading: sixty days remaining.”
“Sec to surgery! He’s turning him into a Papa Johns!!”
“Repairing Science … again”
“Removing Plasma from Botany.”
“Nuking 600 Mothroaches”