I wasnt here when lead got removed from most places and switched to a nukie only thing, so i dont know what the situation was like beforehand. But Lead seems perfect for the kind of operations you would see on station or with syndicates. Its so slow that its hard for this to be useful to nukies at all, even in stealth ops. I get maybe the issue was too many people using licoxide, but then why not just change the way licoxide itself is obtained?
Lead was in steel sheets and someone removed it from them when rounding sheets chems to 10u on grinding and said if someone wants to lead back in, they can code it… and here we are, with only nukies having emag lead.
Licoxide is still easy to obtain, its just that now usually chef can be in the way as you need flour and cargo rarely orders their restocks, even when they are asking them for baked goods for bounties constantly.
i can understand why lead was removed from steel sheats lol. I guess i cant complain too much then cause i dont know how to code.
Added space-station-14 and removed wizden-servers
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