Lillratties - For naming a borg Bully me its kinky

Username: Lillratties

Ban reason: For naming a borg Bully me its kinky
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
What I was banned for is not against the rules

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I was just playing a round and a borg specifically asked me to have a funny name which i happily agreed to because I love giving actually fun names not some generic name, I asked him specifically if he wants me to go all out and he said yeah so I went for a name which still has nothing adherently wrong with it its not explicitly nsfw because I wouldn’t do that and aside from that I asked him and made sure he WANTED to keep that name to which he did, and I haven’t seen anywhere in the rules where you cant name borgs things like that when they agree to it. Its not like I forced the name onto him, he let me name him SPECIFICALLY wanted an out there name and then agreed to the name happily.

Reason the ban should be removed

I think the ban should be removed since in my opinion naming a borg a silly name first of all isnt a bannable offense in the rule book (to my knowledge). and even if it was, an indefinite ban over something as silly as a name which isnt even NSFW or of the sort, just mildly suggestive at BEST. I mean not to my knowledge is the server a strictly family friendly server so I have no clue why I was banned with no warning, nothing.

Alternate Accounts

By definition it is a sexual term, Especially in the case of how you used it.

This is not like saying you had a few kinks to work out of a power grid, or that there was a kink in a garden hose.

I will be putting this appeal to a vote amongst the admin team shortly.
If you intend to make any adjustments to your appeal, it would be best you do so in a short ammount of time.

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This ban was placed to a vote amongst the administration team,
after some discussion the decision to reduce this ban was reached.

It should be noted that there was a unified intent to make you keenly aware that this does qualify as sexual content, and that future occurances will not be tolerated at all.
This is not just “Giving a borg a silly name” This is using terms of a sexual context and nature to label another player.

Whether or not you think that apropriate, We do not. It is a direct violation of our rules and will be treated as such.

This ban has been reduced to two days from the time of this post.

Appeal accepted.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending