Ban reason: Antag rolling - sucicided immediately after joining in arrivals.
Length of ban: 3 days
Events leading to the ban: Exactly like the ban reason says. I didnt even get ahelped or anything, straight up banned.
Reason the ban should be removed: If he had ahelped he wouldve known that I just wanted to fucking spectate. I joined as civilian so I didnt take any roles. I feel like this could’ve been avoided if I have been ahelped, and a 3 day ban is just unfair for joining as civilian, and infinite position spot.
You know you can hit “Observe” if you want to spectate right
34 minutes ago, lonesoldier55 said:
You know you can hit “Observe” if you want to spectate right
I can? Where
3 minutes ago, linger said:
I can? Where
On the lobby menu, near “Join” or “Ready” on the left there should be a button that says observe.
(sry if this is peanut posting, I’m just answering him for future)
18 minutes ago, MoistCr1TiKaL said:
On the lobby menu, near “Join” or “Ready” on the left there should be a button that says observe.
(sry if this is peanut posting, I’m just answering him for future)
oh shit I didnt even know that existed lmao, im blind
You’re not the first player to (allegedly) miss the observe button, so its believable. It could probably stand to be more obvious. That being said, the reason for this ban is that joining and suiciding is frequently viewed to be antag-rolling since anyone who wants to spectate can do so without joining as crew.
aight my appeal is not being responded to and I’m getting unbanned in 12 hours. You can close it
Closed upon request.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals