Linkbro - Whitelist Application

Username: Linkbro
Character: the canyon of control
Character Race: Diona

Character Description

a young, dark green diona who comes from a relatively unknown little moon near alpha centauri, at least by bluespace standards. he works as an engineer, and rapidly alternates between “everything must be up to code” and “fuck it, we ball”, dislikes xenomorphs with a passion; clamming up and becoming afraid with the mention of them. he moves with a slow, preplanned gait, using little branches to grab things into the main branches that are analogous to hands. known for making mistakes, but then having the stubbornness to see to it that they are resolved

(server used in proof of playtime is RMC alamo, an mrp pvp server)

Proof of Playtime on other servers

i am more than willing to flesh out his backstory if required, i have a lot of experience with rp servers in ss13, just haven’t had much of a strike of inspiration yet

Added whitelist-rejected and removed whitelist-pending

Please make sure you are providing the server name in the screenshot when submitting proof of in game time. Part of our consideration for whitelisting is determining if players read the rules, especially when requesting to be whitelisted. Please be sure to follow the rules, and re-apply in two weeks.

heya, i would do so if i had known how to do so when i was writing the application, i find this a silly reason to give someone a two week cooldown, instead of simply asking for the relevant picture.

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i would appreciate a reevaluation at your earliest convenience.