Lt_Confetti - Posting "Sexual Content" and assisting Nukies when they surrounded me

= For game bans =

SS14 account username: [Lt_Confetti]

Ban reason: [Posting “Sexual Content” (Cuck) into the fax machine, and then helping the nukies when surrounded by them in a corridor]

Date of ban: [25/06/23]

Length of ban: [Until I read the rules (Chief_Engineer said that)]

Events leading to the ban: [After acquiring a fax machine from the people in Cargo, I then proceeded to walk around asking for others, they did not give me theirs. Despite that, I was zealous and then wanted to try it out, by anchoring it in Sec and sending the first message that came to mind. I did not do that one as I knew it would be against the rules to post “Fuck the captain” as Fuck was sexual in nature. So I wrote the second thing that came to mind “I am NOT a cuck” Which cuck can be sexual in nature, like fuck, but fuck is alot more powerful of a word and has a deeper history then cuck. Cuck is generally used in both Shakespeare and other texts as a tool to show the nature of humans and their ability to not be able to cope with not obtaining what they want (I am in my 3rd year for Honours English in Trinity College Dublin). After Chief_Engineer stopped messaging me I went back to the game. Walking back into the corridor I hear gunshots and screams, and then the nukies were apparant in the background. They were killing everybody and as the human condition made me in fear, submit to them saying the only trump card I had against them, being a lawyer and allowed entry into Sec. I said “Want to go to sec?” not knowing at the time it was against the rules to try and save yourself when faced with nukies. To save myself, they listened and followed me accordingly as to save myself as anyone would do in that positon. Again I want to re-iterate I did not know protecting yourself by helping nukies was against the rules. (this is just a mini rant here but I feel the rules should be made to fit the individual, not the other way around. For instance, if there is a clown syndicate threatening you to help them, you should not be banned for saving yourself in that context, while if you see a clown, killing someone, you should not say “hey there’s more fellas over here” and proceed with it just for the fun. Nobody wants to die and roleplay is apart of this game’s nature and should be more enforced upon. Whenever I am lawyer there is no Sec who wish to do trials as they would rather stay on the power high and walk around with their stun batons waiting for someone to slip up slightly to arrest them/ That is all I can think of.)]

Reason the ban should be removed: [I have read your rules on the wiki linked on your F10 menu and feel I have a better understanding of them, and if this is contested in any way, there are logs and screenshots of Chief\_Engineer saying I will get appealed once I have confirmed I have read your rules. If there is any inconveniences along this appeal, I will try to clear them up in any way I can. Sincerely, Alexis K.]

I would also like to add at the bottom, there is leeway given in the context of insults with sexual nature 


No erotic roleplay (ERP) or sexual content/themes

Erotic Roleplay (commonly abbreviated as “ERP”) and any sexual content is strictly forbidden. This includes direct and indirect mentions of sexual behavior or actions.

  1. Some leeway is afforded to insults, ex: ‘You are a dickhead’, but if you push the boundaries of this rule expect to be contacted about it.
  2. Spamming or copy/pasting erotica content (ex: WGW or other lame shock-value garbage) also violates this rule.
  3. In-game romantic relationships should not become the focus of the game for you and anyone else involved. It’s a game about running a space station, not a dating simulator. Dedicating significant portions of rounds to romantic relationships/dating or other nonsense violates this rule if done continually and purposefully after warning.

I see it fits under this context.

You were not using “cuck” in the context of a common insult and you were contacted about it and you are still trying to justify its use for some reason instead of just using a different word or dropping the matter all together. We are not interested in endorsing the use of that word.

We do not allow individuals to blatantly assist antagonists to “protect themselves” because this invariably ends up in those people wanting to help antagonists so they can do antagonist things (the textbook definition of self-antagonism). When players are given the choice of dying (not fun) and being asked to help indiscriminately kill people (a lot more fun) almost everyone is obviously going to choose the “kill everyone else” option and that’s not fun for the game.

1 hour ago, Lt_Confetti said:

there are logs and screenshots of Chief_Engineer saying I will get appealed once I have confirmed I have read your rules.

I’d like to see those screenshots because this is the only one I haveimage.png

In case it isn’t clear, this is instructing you to appeal after you’ve read the rules, not saying your appeal will be accepted after you do

This is what I was referring to. It appears I have taken the wording out of context which I will admit is a fault on my end.

2 minutes ago, Chief_Engineer said:

I’d like to see those screenshots because this is the only one I haveimage.png

In case it isn’t clear, this is instructing you to appeal after you’ve read the rules, not saying your appeal will be accepted after you do


I believe I took appeal to be literal as according to the context in law which states 
appeal. 1) v.  to ask a higher court to reverse the decision of a trial court after final judgment or other legal ruling.

which under the context given by Chief_Engineer implied my only task to Appeal was to get in accordance with the rules, which made me find a rule contradicting the original reason for the ban

  1. Some leeway is afforded to insults, ex: ‘You are a dickhead’, but if you push the boundaries of this rule expect to be contacted about it.

I feel as if I wanted to get banned I would use far harsher language or bigoted terms but as I did not use it you can see my intentions were not to go against the rules or the admins, which is what this has turned into due to a simply mixup in terminology which is understandable for the common language. If you want people to not use words like “Cuck” or anything worse I would implore you to make a list of banned words as I feel Cuck has the same energy as calling someone/thing a “Dickhead” as compared to using more specific or targeted slurs. Again, I feel as if breaking 1 rule and then being watched accordingly getting cornered and forced to essentially sellout in a roleplay situation only to get banned is felt to be unfair on the individual, myself.

22 minutes ago, Lt_Confetti said:

[…] I would implore you to make a list of banned words […]

Please don’t.

Its obvious that while fuck or dickhead can be harsher word than cuck I doubt many people would get aroused at the thought of a person being a dickhead or their head being a dick or whatever interpretation of that insult you want to go with, while cucking is more likely to be erotic as thats an actual fetish.

10 minutes ago, f0x said:

Please don’t.

Its obvious that while fuck or dickhead can be harsher word than cuck I doubt many people would get aroused at the thought of a person being a dickhead or their head being a dick or whatever interpretation of that insult you want to go with, while cucking is more likely to be erotic as thats an actual fetish.

While yes, cuckoldry can be a form of fetish, doesn’t that mean we should also ban words such as dickhead, fucker etc? I mean if cuck can be a fetish why not demeaning or humiliation by calling someone a dickhead? It is all about context. I get common sense can be applied to this argument. But I am going on the common sense of the rules, which in my eyes are very vague on what is an “OK” insult and what is “Not” which through common sense most people can determine which are ok, but then you get the grey area such as this with a word like “Cuck”. 

This is ultimately an argument of common sense, you’re claiming your common sense is different from others and while that may be genuine it is advantageous for you to hold this position to attempt to avoid punishment. You’re also arguing for even more rules for everyone else because you fucked up.

10 minutes ago, f0x said:

This is ultimately an argument of common sense, you’re claiming your common sense is different from others and while that may be genuine it is advantageous for you to hold this position to attempt to avoid punishment. You’re also arguing for even more rules for everyone else because you fucked up.

I am not arguing for more rules, simply clearer rules. It was my fuck up for not realizing how vexed people would get over a word like cuck. While it is a common sense thing, I also believe it is a cultural thing. As an Irish-Australian I am use to words Americans (I am assuming The Mods are based on the Server being US West/East Etc) may be uncomfortable with like f*g, c*nt and others (with context of course for each use). And me knowing these words are more culture based and context is required, which is why I need to use more common words. Words like “Cuck” have yet to be any specific cultural meaning and as a result is a layman term which I thought would be suited best for a joke on the fax machine  for me to say something, anything that was on my mind as to the events of me getting a fax.

We’re not getting into a court case over an admin telling you not to use the word cuck not being clear enough. The other major problem we had was you blatantly helping Nuclear Operatives and clearly stating you didn’t read the rules.

We’ll reduce this to a day ban. I would strongly suggest you take a look at the rules before you play again.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals