Username: MagnusEstMortuus
Ban reason: I can't fit the full message here so I'm just going to post it below.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
“Failed to connect to server:
Connect denied: You, or another user of this computer or connection, are banned from playing here.
The ban reason is: “Banned for descrimination to a French-Canadian character, “I dont want your crummy french healthcare”, “what do you want frenchie”, emoting vomiting at the mention of French people, feel free to appeal on the forums.”
This ban will only be removed via appeal. You can appeal at
Attempts to circumvent this ban such as creating a new account will be logged.” Is my ban message, basically was running a cowboy themed bar and refused to serve someone for crowing about being french canadian, as a goof and nothing else. they got so hurt over the situation they sought admin interference who then counseled me to stop which I did immediately then began serving the character again. despite that 20 minutes later the admin teetree came back to ban me for literally no additional reason.
Reason the ban should be removed
Because, to be quite frank, its a bit stupid. I understand the harshness against discrimination, first off get your admins to learn to spell that right if they’re going to be banning for it. ESPECIALLY given the stuff I’ve seen people do and complained to the admin team about with zero response when I was constantly being bullied by a specific character who ruined my shift badly enough that I chose to just get off. When actual bullying isn’t getting a response but lighthearted jabbing is getting a warning, then ban AFTER THE BEHAVIOUR STOPS? it’s pretty ridiculous and you need to retrain the staff member for that. EDIT: In addition when moaning like a bitch about my ban on the chat the french person in question began posting about being french and people OUTRIGHT SAID “I’m sorry for your condition” without a single word edgewise by the literal community manager watching. I more than understand what I did is wrong but I feel my anger over this gross overreaction is at least somewhat justified.
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