Mandos - Released frezon in Medbay as a none antag, repeated behaviour of problems. Appeal on forums. Round 50273

Username: Mandos

Ban reason: Released frezon in Medbay as a none antag, repeated behaviour of problems. Appeal on forums. Round 50273
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

I was obsessed with making frezon for cargo to sell for money at the time, but I was becoming less satisfied with it. I admit that I intended to release nitrous oxide in medbay to cause everyone to sleep as a prank. The canister I filled was mostly nitrous oxide with some frezon. I thought the amount of frezon present would be quickly be converted into nitrous oxide or only cause people to become high on release, not to kill people.

Reason the ban should be removed

I’ve accepted this ban for roughly 8 months now, but I would like another chance. Since Wizden has the only active west coast servers I would like the ability to access again, as I find east coast server ping unplayable.

Alternate Accounts

Bans are almost a year old now. I see no reason to not unban.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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