MeursaultLCB - Metacommunication

Username: MeursaultLCB

Ban reason: Metacommunication
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

I was in a discord call with a friend while we played while I attempted to show him how to play the game, as this was his first time playing.

Reason the ban should be removed

Frankly I feel as if this is ridiculously long for such a minor offense. While I understand what my fellow did was wrong, however I feel as if it is entirely unnecessary to drag me down with him because I was simply in a discord call with him.

Alternate Accounts


This has been put to an admin discussion of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Genuine appeal.
  • Metacomms is a zero tolerance rule.
  • Non malicious intent with rule break.

​​​​​​​Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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