MIDI thread

some ULTRAKILL midi’s I found

Altars of Apostasy.mid (69.2 KB)Castle Vein.mid (46.7 KB)Dune Eternal.mid (41.5 KB)Duel.mid (37.7 KB)Ship of Fools.mid (32.2 KB)The Fire is Gone.mid (9.07 KB)

I need a metal cruher track undertale


imagine if you could hook up a midi keyboard to ss14.

… you can

on linux anyway, i hear you need to do funny thing on windows to make it recognize the keyboard

20 hours ago, deltanedas said:

… you can

on linux anyway, i hear you need to do funny thing on windows to make it recognize the keyboard

im still banned so i didnt know. i tried it on hippie station though! just got a new keyboard :DDDDDD

On 3/4/2023 at 4:39 AM, Yoi_Ishiya said:

A friend of mine wanted me to find a midi of this 

And i did 

alyans_na_zare_2.mid (61 KB)

I would like you to find SpaceAsshole please and thank you


On 3/18/2021 at 6:12 PM, swept said:

If you have any good midis for SS14 throw them in here. I’ll attach a few of my favorites.

serbiastronk.mid (9.63 KB) homm3-maintheme.mid (7.6 KB) sweethomealabama.mid (51.9 KB) greenonions.mid (10.3 KB) battleoflittleslugger.mid (32.1 KB) banana.mid (34.5 KB)

yo swept shut the fuck up


On 3/28/2023 at 7:28 PM, deltanedas said:

… you can

on linux anyway, i hear you need to do funny thing on windows to make it recognize the keyboard

Heck, you don’t even need a proper physical keyboard. I’ve been having fun with a virtual one - that is, using my computer’s keyboard to simulate an actual keyboard. Got a chromatic key configuration, and it’s awesome! (look up the Qwertuoso/Sixtyforgan/Commodordion if you wanna have an idea of what that’s like)

I’m using vkeybd for that. If you’re on Linux, you can probably just try it out. But you’ll probably want to change the key configuration (even if you want a piano-like layout, you can do a lot better than vkeybd’s default), and it was a bit of a pain to figure it all out. So if anyone wants it, I can post some instructions.

On 3/16/2023 at 7:52 AM, Asttsa said:

midi musicUnavailablemidi music big pack.zip 1 MB · 54 downloads

1 MB · 54 downloads

yo thanks for this.

Anyone got more or a tutorial on how to make these? I only just started my collection :3

You want to make midis? There’s no easy way, I’m afraid. You have to get a midi sequencer (there’s probably a ton of options), and you have to know music theory, and if you want it to have every instrument playing, then you have to know how to play the part of every single instrument in a song.

(I’m sorry if I sound condescending. You’re a stranger on the interwebz, and I don’t know how much you know about music.)

I don’t mean to discourage you. Sequencers can be a lot of fun, so you should try anyway! Although, if you wanna have fun making bad music, I still think using a virtual keyboard to make live music is cooler.

I tried an online mp3 to midi converter once (can’t remember the website) and it sucked ass. Any tool that tries to do this will probably suck ass, unless you have a very simple melody, with no harmony or beats, and even then you’ll probably have a better time with a sequencer.

here are a few classical ones

Joe Hisaishi - Merry Go Round Of Life (Howl’s Moving Castle).mid (17.7 KB)The-Second-Waltz.mid (84.4 KB)debussy moonlight sonata.mid (16.7 KB) In the hall of the Mountain King.mid (12.5 KB)moundew2.mid (31.2 KB)In the hall of the Mountain King.mid (12.5 KB)

The best list of free Classic Rock midis I have found

My playing of Every 27 Years from Stephen King’s IT Chapter 1 2017

It’s the first piano piece I’ve learned sense I got my new synthesizer and I think it sounds nice.

I learned it by watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC9-gjwtDKo and practicing until I memorized the entire song.


EVERY 27 YEARS.midi (3.95 KB)

Nyanotrasen_Lobby_Song_1.mid (140 KB)

Here is my Midi folder for SS14
most of the files are taken from MuseScore
I hope you will find something that will diversify your playing on the instrument.
touhou4.mid (38.3 KB)Touhou3.mid (63.8 KB)touhou2.mid (21.5 KB)touhou1.mid (12.7 KB)The Rebel Path.mid (32 KB)Tales_of_Berseria_Thme.mid (9.34 KB)Sword_Art_Online.mid (6.98 KB)SS14.mid (19.5 KB)Spooky_Scary_Skeletons__Andrew_Gold.mid (9.63 KB)Sponge13.mid (3.46 KB)sponge11.mid (9.45 KB)sponge10.mid (5.1 KB)Sponge9.mid (7.06 KB)Sponge8.mid (6.74 KB)Sponge7.mid (13.6 KB)Sponge6.mid (4.35 KB)Sponge5.mid (28.8 KB)Sponge4.mid (8.73 KB)sponge3.mid (6.68 KB)Sponge2.mid (4.62 KB)Sponge1.mid (11.1 KB)Smeshariki_-_Tema_polyota.mid (4.57 KB)Smeshariki_-_Tema_krasoty.mid (1.06 KB)skyrim1.mid (3.61 KB)shadow.mid (8.3 KB)S.T.A.L.K.E.R.Radio.mid (13.7 KB)Robin_hood_-_Anson_Seabra.mid (9.69 KB)RimWorld_2018_-_Ceta_VGM.mid (31.5 KB)Rightfully_-_Goblin_Slayer_OP.mid (21.2 KB)RA_RA_RASPUTIN.mid (42 KB)pinkpant.mid (6.97 KB)Parasyte.mid (10.4 KB)Overlord_IV.mid (5.94 KB)Overlord_III.mid (5.74 KB)Overlord_II.mid (9.17 KB)ostrov3.mid (15.9 KB)ostrov2.mid (105 KB)Ostrov1.mid (20.2 KB)One_Punch_Man_OP_The_Hero.mid (20.7 KB)OMSk.mid (5.94 KB)Nupog7.mid (12.7 KB)Nupog6.mid (13 KB)Nupog5.mid (19.6 KB)Nupog4.mid (28.4 KB)Nupog3.mid (34.9 KB)Nupog2.mid (55.7 KB)Nupog1.mid (63.5 KB)none.mid (8.82 KB)new.mid (3.61 KB)Moskau.mid (28.8 KB)MGS.mid (4.85 KB)MGR3.mid (16.2 KB)MGR2.mid (56.1 KB)MGR1.mid (19.3 KB)Mass_effect3.mid (4.61 KB)LOR13.mid (13.7 KB)LOR12.mid (8.11 KB)LOR10.mid (7.63 KB)LOR9.mid (5.9 KB)LOR8.mid (125 KB)LOR7.mid (180 KB)LOR6.mid (166 KB)LOR5.mid (197 KB)LOR4.mid (13.4 KB)LOR3.mid (167 KB)LOR2.mid (90.6 KB)LOR1.mid (188 KB)Limbus2.mid (7.2 KB)limbus1.mid (95.1 KB)Lets_Talk_Science.mid (84 KB)LC.mid (8.67 KB)Konosuba5.mid (3.7 KB)Konosuba4.mid (8.91 KB)Konosuba3.mid (3.34 KB)Konosuba2.mid (3.76 KB)konosuba1.mid (3.16 KB)kingdomcome2.mid (109 KB)kingdomcome.mid (2.88 KB)kai theme.mid (4.95 KB)Infinity_Nado.mid (23.6 KB)Hafanana_-_Afric_Simone.mid (13.7 KB)Gourmet_Race-Kirby_Super_Star_UltraSolo_Piano_Arrangement.mscz.mid (11.7 KB)Glorious_Morning.mid (5.83 KB)Gloria_Gaynor_-_I_Will_Survive.mid (82.5 KB)Ghost_Busters_Sax_Quartet.mid (7.97 KB)Genshin3.mid (27.9 KB)genshin2.mid (274 KB)genshin1.mid (509 KB)Gecchu_Rabu_Rabu_.mid (6.18 KB)Funky_Town.mid (13.2 KB)Fortnite_Default_Dance_Music_Marching_Band.mscz.mid (2.95 KB)Fight_Club_Assassins_Creed_III.mid (7.95 KB)feonor.mid (20.3 KB)Farewell_my_Daughter_full.mid (10.5 KB)Fallout_Main_Theme_-_Mission_Impossible_Fallout_-_Lorne_Balfe_-_Piano_Solo.mscz.mid (3.08 KB)Empire_of_Angels.mid (3.88 KB)Dubidubidu.mid (17.6 KB)DRAGO.mid (4.65 KB)Deponia.mid (3.05 KB)DDT_-_Chto_takoe_osen.mid (71.2 KB)Dancing_Line_-_The_Plains.mid (6.63 KB)chip_i_.mid (41.5 KB)Bury_The_Light__Casey_Edwards_Vergils_battle_theme_from_Devil_May_Cry_5_Special_Edition.mid (95.9 KB)bremen7.mid (20.6 KB)bremen6.mid (19.1 KB)Bremen5.mid (25 KB)Bremen4.mid (30.6 KB)Bremen3.mid (10.4 KB)bremen2.mid (11.1 KB)bremen1.mid (3.76 KB)Better_Call_Saul_Main_Title_Theme_-_Little_Barrie.mid (9.38 KB)Believer.mid (11.5 KB)Astronomia.mid (10.9 KB)ASPC.mid (12.8 KB)Amogus.mid (8.13 KB)Akme1.mid (7.37 KB)A_Banda.mid (71.2 KB)Zorba’s-Dance-1.mid (51.1 KB)Wintermute__The_Long_Dark_Theme.mid (7.03 KB)WHY_NOT_by_CARLIT0CHURRIT0.mid (63.6 KB)Wakfu_-_Opening.mid (4.37 KB)Visotnik.mid (24.5 KB)v_lesu_.mid (24 KB)utinye_.mid (32 KB)Unwelcome_School_Blue_Archive.mid (107 KB)Undertale_-_Battle_Against_A_True_Hero.mid (18.6 KB)trus_ne.mid (22.7 KB)touhou7.mid (82.3 KB)touhou6.mid (81.8 KB)touhou5.mid (187 KB)


does anyone have a midi for TANK! from Cowboy Beebop?


I get all of my MIDIs from https://songs.bardmusicplayer.com/ which is the program people use to play MIDIs in FFXIV with the bard job.

I’ve posted it in the Discord before but I’ll post it here too. I have a collection my friends and I made plus what I’ve compiled from other people including a massive collection of 20k midis, though those I haven’t sorted through but are pre-sorted for the most part. Feel free to give it a look for specific tracks if you don’t want to download the whole thing, you can download them individually. And if you want to give me a hand sorting, you’d be doing me a huge favor. I run out of mental energy in a few hours to sort through hundreds of songs and try to determine what they’re from if it’s not obvious.